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Файлы » Общевузовские предметы » Иностранный язык

Английский язык 2 вариант
Подробности о скачивании 18.10.2010, 20:26
Задание 1
b The sausages taste delicious
b He will be angry if you come home late.
a "How many exams does he pass?
a When did she choose to take a course in statistics?
b Bill thought about his answer during the lunch break.
Задание 2
1. E-mail has become a key part of the communications networks of most modern offices.
has become – Present Perfect infinitive, Active Voice.
Электронная почта – ключевая часть коммуникационной сети большинства современных офисов.
2. Since all e-mail addresses are written in Latin script, no special procedures are required to locate one in Russia.
are written, are required - Present Indefinite, Passive Voice.
С тех пор как все адреса электронной почты стали писать латинским шрифтом, не требуется никаких специальных методов что- либо разместить в России.
3. Newer-generation networks use optical fiber connections.
use - Present Indefinite.
Сеть более нового поколения использует оптоволоконное соединение.
Задание 3
Задание 3. Укажите, какой частью речи является выделенная форма:
a) герундием (Gerund); b) инфинитивом(Infinitive);c) причастием настоящего времени (Participle I); d) причастием прошедшего времени (Participle II). Переведите предложения.
1. Other methods used for wide-area networking include telephone and communications-satellite linkage.
2. E-mail services use a central computer to store messages and data and to route them to their intended destination.
3. The computer is rapidly taking over graphics design, production scheduling, and engineering design.

Другие способы, используемые глобальной компьютерной сетью, включают в себя также телефон и спутниковое соединение.
b, b
Услуги электронной почты используют компьютер для хранения сообщений и информации и для направления их к заданному получателю.
Компьютер быстро берет на себя графический дизайн, производственное календарное планирование и техническое проектирование.

I. Read the text. Then read the titles. Which of the following titles is the best?
a) Office Equipment.
b) Office Automation.
c) Computers and Periphery.
d) How the Modem Works.
I a
II. Read the text again. Choose the best sentence from the list below to complete each gap
a) Other methods used for wide-area networking include telephone and communications-satellite linkage.
b) Since all e-mail addresses are written in Latin script, no special procedures are required to locate one in Russia.
c) either stand-alone or as part of a network
d) The same message can be sent to a number of different addresses.
e) Some modems now operate at speeds of more than 50,000 baud and have error-checking and data-compression features.
f) It is more cost-effective for PC users to share files and common peripherals such as printers, facsimile boards, modems, and scanners.
g) It can narrow down the scope of the search considerably.
1. c, 2. f, 3. a, 4. e, 5. d
III. Choose the best answer to these questions according to the text.
1. When did it become possible to provide each office worker with a PC?
a) in 1981,
b) in the late 1980s,
c) in the early 1990s.
2. What may networks use to link computers, which are not in direct closeness?
a) optical fiber connections,
b) telephone and communications – satellite linkage,
c) microwave radio and infrared radiation.
3. How is the device, one of the functions of which is to send and receive electronic mail, called?
a) a scanner,
b) a modem,
c) a fax.
4. What is the device used to input graphic material?
a) a printer,
b) a Xerox,
c) a scanner.
5. What should a PC user have to subscribe to a public e-mail network?
a) modem and scanner,
b) modem and telephone,
c) telephone and printer.

IV. Here are some dictionary definitions of words from the text. Each word has more than one definition. Choose the definition that fits each of the words in the text best.

1) program a) a scheduled radio or television broadcast,
b) a sequence of instructions fed into a computer.
2) office a) a room or building where business is carried out,
b) a position of authority.
3) satellite a) a planet orbiting another,
b) a man-made object orbiting the earth, moon, etc.
4) address a) a place where a person resides,
b) a specific memory location where information is stored.

V. Find words and expressions which mean the same as the following.
1) correspondence
2) apparatus
3) to contain
4) to allow
5) to keep
equipment, device, peripheras
to take over
to become feasible
to store
VI. Make up an outline of the text
PC was introduced in 1981, so it has become feasible to provide virtually every office worker with a PC. There are many special devices, such as FAX, printers, modems, scanners and so on, which help people to work, when computers are not in close physical proximity and the transmission of that information is provided
thanks to Internet and modems. E-mail has become a key part of the communications networks of most modern offices. So you see, the mankind invents new equipment to case its life.

Категория: Иностранный язык | Добавил: abaddon
Просмотров: 1601 | Загрузок: 50 | Комментарии: 4
Всего комментариев: 4
4 kurisha18   (06.05.2013 22:25) [Материал]
Неужели нашла, спасибо!!!

3 kosatka2009   (07.06.2011 06:15) [Материал]

2 100kan   (11.05.2011 13:34) [Материал]

1 sshinoda   (08.03.2011 16:56) [Материал]
ой, нашёл!! большое спасибо))

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