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Файлы » Общевузовские предметы » Иностранный язык

ПОИТ (з.), Английский язык, Контрольная работа №1, 2016
Подробности о скачивании 06.11.2016, 16:47
I. Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола.
1. Until the late 1950s, vacuum tubes ….. in virtually every kind of electronic device—computers, radios, transmitters, components of high-fidelity sound systems, and so on.
a) are used c) were using
b) used d) were used
2. The bandwidth over which electron tubes operate … since 1990.
a) has doubled c) doubled
b) have been doubled d) was doubled
3. Today the vision of ubiquitous computing foresees a day when microprocessors … wherever humans go.
a) will find c) find
b) will be found d) found
4. The engineers … first robot systems by the end of the 19th century.
a) had designed c) were designing
b) designed d) were designed
5. The professor … the results of the experiment next week.
a) will be published c) publishes
b) are publishing d) will publish
6. Analog computers … a problem in “real time”.
a) can be solved c) can solve
b) has to solve d)must be solved
7. Since main memory was very limited, early operating systems ….as small as possible to leave room for other programs.
a) have to be c) can be
b) may be d) had to be
II. Перепишите предложения, употребив глаголы в правильной видовременной форме, переведите предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на функции глаголов to have, to do, to be в предложениях.
1. A good conductor should have (to have) many free electrons. Хороший проводник должен иметь много свободных электронов.
2. The duration of the pulse have (to have) to be approximately a thousand-millionth of a second. Длительность импульса должна составлять примерно тысячу миллионной доли секунды.
3. The Internet is (to be) composed of a large number of smaller interconnected networks called internets. Интернет состоит из большого количества небольших взаимосвязанных сетей, называемых интернетами.
4. They are (to be) to prepare everything for the experiment. Они должны подготовить все необходимое для эксперимента.
5. Scientists have done (to do) a lot of research recently. Ученые сделали много исследований в последнее время.
6. Do (to do) semiconductors conduct electric current worse than metals? Проводят ли полупроводники электрический ток хуже, чем металлы?

III. Укажите номера предложений, в которых встречаются сравнительные конструкции, имеющие значение: a)такой же, … как; b)не такой, … как; c)чем; d)чем … тем.
1. There are several advantages in making computers as small as one can. (a)
2. The new machines were smaller and less expensive than earlier models. ©
3. The greater the number of free electrons in a substance, the better this substance conducts electricity. (d)
4. These engines are not so powerful as those motors. (b)

IV. Укажите номера предложений, в которых окончание “s” является показателем: a) множественного числа имени существительного;b) притяжательного падежа имени существительного;c) глагола в 3-м лице ед.числа Present Simple.
1. Output involves converting data back from a form the computer can work with to one that makes sense to us. (с)
2. Semiconductors conduct electric current worse than metals do. (а)
3. Today’s aircraft is expected to be replaced by a new model of hypersonic aircraft. (b)

V. Заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.
1. Distance education programs enable learners and teachers to interact with each other by means of computers. (able)
2. Recent innovations in hardware, software, and Internet technologies have made telecommunications-based distance education systems more available, easier to use, and less costly. (easy)
3. Distance education increasingly uses combinations of different communications technologies to enhance the abilities of teachers and students to communicate with each other. (communication)

VI. Read the text. Then read the titles. Which of the following titles is the best?
a) Radio and Electronic Devices.
b) Radio Waves.
c) The Birth of Radio.
d) Radio and TV.

1. Today we don’t think twice when we turn on the radio, but when a 21-year-old Italian invented it over 100 years ago no one could believe their ears.
2. One day in 1895 in Bologna, Italy, an Italian engineer sent the world’s first radio signal. Using a simple radio transmitter and a receiver, he sent a signal from his attic room to his brother who was hidden in a field a kilometer away. 1 _b__. The Italian government showed no interest in young Marconi’s invention, but his mother believed he had a good idea. So in February of the following year, she sent him to England to meet her cousin who was an important engineer. 2 _e _.
3. In England this engineer and his cousin were joined by two other inventors. In 1897 he formed the Wireless Telegraph Company in London and started to transmit simple radio signals over long distances. In 1899 he sent the first wireless telegraph across the English Channel to France.
3 __a _.
4. He had always believed that radio waves could travel round the curve of the earth. By 1901 he had improved his radio system so much that on 12th December he astonished the world by sending the first radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean. 4 _d__. His system was soon adopted by the British and Italian navies. From now on, his company had the monopoly of wireless communication and he became a multi-millionaire.
5. This engineer is one of the key figures of the twentieth century. He even recognized the military importance of radar and thought of the idea of sending radio signals out into space. When he died in 1937, wireless stations all over the world closed down for two minutes as a mark of respect. He made only one big mistake. 5 __c _.

VII. Read the text again. Choose the best sentence from the list below to complete each gap.

a) They were transmitted from Poldhu in Cornwall, and were received 3,520 kilometres away in St John’s, Newfoundland, using an aerial flown in the air by a kite.
b) When his brother received the signal he fired a gun.
c) He thought that television would never become popular.
d) This meant that ships were now able to send messages from ship to shore if they were in distress.
e) It was a journey that would change the world.

VIII. Choose the best answer to these questions according to the text.
1. Who invented the radio?
a) a French engineer,
b) an American engineer,
c) an Italian engineer.
2. What was the Italian government’s attitude towards this invention?
a) The Italian government was interested in this invention.
b) The Italian government didn’t believe that this invention was very useful.
c) The Italian government wasn’t interested in this invention.
3. Who helped this Italian engineer to continue his work?
a) American engineers,
b) His cousin and two other inventors,
c) Italian scientists.
4. Why was this invention so important for the British and Italian navies?
a) Because it was very cheap.
b) Because it helped the ships to send messages from ship to shore if they were in danger or difficulty.
c) Because they wanted to use it against the USA navy.
5. What was the only mistake made by the inventor?
a) He didn’t recognize the importance of radar.
b) He didn’t recognize the importance of telegraph.
c) He didn’t recognize the importance of television.

IX. Translate paragraphs 2 and 3 into Russian.
Однажды в 1895 году в Болонье, в Италии, итальянский инженер отправил первый в мире радиосигнал. Используя простые передатчик и приёмник, он послал сигнал со своего чердака брату, который спрятался в поле в одном километре от него. Когда его брат получил сигнал, он выстрелил в пистолет. Итальянское правительство не проявило интереса к изобретению молодого Маркони, но его мать считала это хорошей идеей. Таким образом, в феврале следующего года она отправила его в Англию на встречу с её двоюродным братом, который был важным инженером. Это было путешествие, которое изменило мир.
В Англии к инженеру и двоюродному брату присоединились ещё два других изобретателя. В 1897 году он основал беспроводную телеграфную компанию в Лондоне и стал передавать простые радиосигналы на большие расстояния. В 1899 году он послал первую телеграмму через Английский канал во Францию. Они были отправлены из Полдху в Корнуолле и были получены через 3520 километров в Санкт-Джонсе, который находится в Ньюфаундленде, используя антенны, которыми управлял в воздухе бумажный змей.
Категория: Иностранный язык | Добавил: canabioz
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