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Подробности о скачивании 26.09.2010, 20:30

In busines, people haveto dial in person with all kind of people who can be your friends, acuaintances or strangers – people of your own age, or people who are yonger or older than you. The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use.

The relationship may even affect what you say when you meet people, for example, it is not appropriate to say “Hi, how are you? “ when meeting the MD of a large company or to say “Good morning, it is a great pleasure to meet you” when being introdused to a person you will be working closely with in the same team. Remember that people from an impression of you from the way you speak and behave – not just from the way you do your work.

Sometimes our words are not so important as our mimics, gestures, closers. If you know nonverbal behavior you have got a good chance to understand what this person is thinking about. Our nonverbal behavior depends on our mood. It is well-known, that a smile and a sparkle in the eyes, get your parther on the right side. It is not very pleasant when a person yawns, champs or snifts when you are tolking with him or only stay closly.

As to our body – language it is not polite when you slimp in the shair or sit with you arms or legs crossed at meeting. Our nonverbal behavior is a reflect of our mood.
So when you speak with other people you should forget about all your personal problems.

People in ifferent countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere and of what sounds rude or unfriendly. Good maners in one culture may be considered bad manners in another. For example in many Evropean countries, such as France, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Belarus handshaking is a good manner. But Northen Evropeans, such as the British and scandinaviens are not quite so fond of physical demonstratien of friendless. Visitors to Germany are not get taken out for meals. German do not entertain business people with quite the same enthusiasm as some of their Evropean counterparts.

A good contrast can be traced between american and japanise cultures. For example the americans are individualists and they do all by their own, expect a trustworthy person to respond directly and find silence awkward and like to plug any conversational gaps. They hire people to fill particular slots and prefer to communicate with each other in adjacent offices by ecxchanging memos. As to the japanese they are opposite to the americans they are team players impressed by smbd who gives careful throught to a question before making areply and most japanese are comfortable with periods of silence. They hire people more for the skills they will acquire after joining the company than for their existing skills and they prefer to communicate face to fase. More you know about specific features of communication with people the less likely you are to get into difficulties. Good manners are admired they can alse make or break the dial.

The Partnership.

A Partnership is a business concisely of two or more co-owners. Sometimes it’s called a copartnership. It may be formed when one owner takes an another owner to expend the business or it may be organized as a Partnership from the start. Without a written agreement the Partnership doesn’t really exist. Many circumstances arise which can’t be foreseen and therefore must be anticipated in a written agreement.
The official document of the Partnership is called Articles of Copartnership. It should include the following:
• duties of each partner;
• investment of each partner;
• accounting procedures;
• restraints on each partner.

Advantages of the Partnership:

• Additional abilities, skills and ideas.
The more people that are involved in a business the wider range of abilities, skills and ideas they can bring to the business.
• Division of responsibility.
As a Partnership has two or more owners it’s natural that they can divide the responsibilities. For example, one partner could be responsible for the bookkeeping and the other partner could be responsible for sales. In this way the business could be operate more efficiently.
• Increase sources and capital.
One of the reasons for forming a partnership is to increase the amount of capital which is needed to start or expand a business.
• Ease in obtaining credit.
A partnership can obtain credit more easily than a SP. It’s necessary creditors can sue all of the partners in a partnership whereas in a SP the creditors have a claim only against one person.

Disadvantages of the Partnership

• Unlimited liability.
Each partner has unlimited liability. Each partner is responsible for the acts of the other partners, since those actions create an obligation for the business.
• Profit sharing.
The profits of a partnership are shared among the partner in the proportion stated in the Articles of Copartnership.
• Partner’s lack of effort.
Unless all partners contribute their knowledge, ability and skills, the advantages of this type of organization are greatly reduced.
• Limited life of the business.
A partnership is terminated by the death or mental incompetency of any partner. If one partner wants to leave earlier it could be mention in the Articles of Copartnership.
• Limited expansion.
A partnership can expand by raising additional money from partners or by adding new partners to the business.

The Corporation.

A Corporation is an association of stockholders formed with government consent and having the power to transact business in the same manner as if it were one person. A Corporation has the same rights as an individual to own property conduct business, make contracts, sue and be sued. A Corporation is a single entity in the eyes of the law.
Every Corporation must have a Certificate of Incorporation. It is the document which authorizes individuals to carry on business activities as a Corporation, raise funds and sell stock. This document generally includes the following:
- Name of the Corporation;
- Purpose of the Corporation;
- Location of the Corporation’s main office;
- Names and addresses of all directors;
- Duration of the Corporation;
- Face value of capital stock which may be issued;
- Voting rights of the stockholders.
There are two types of Corporations closed (private) and open (public). A small business Corporation is usually a closed Corporation. This means that capital stock is not sold to the public. If one of the stockholders decides to sell stock, it is usually sold to one of the other stockholders or to someone of whom they all approve.
A public or open Corporation offers it is stock to the public. This means that it is stock is available to anyone who wants to buy it. The principal owner of a public Corporation is the majority stockholder.

Advantages of the Corporation:

- Limited Liability. A Corporation is a Limited Liability business. Incase of business failure the owner risk to lose only the business assets. The Corporation’s owners are a stockholder, which means they can lose only the value of the stock.
- Variety of skills, abilities and ideas. The Corporation has the advantage of many owners with different skills and talents.
- Easy transfer of ownership. If a stockholder wishes to leave the Corporation, all that the stockholder must do is sell the stock. Many prospective buyers are available through brokers, the stock exchanges or over the counter in a private sale.
- Ease of expansion. The Corporation can be easily expanded. When more capital in needed, additional stock is sold to the public. Some Corporation’s sell bonds instead of stock to raise capital.
- Unlimited Existence. One advantage of the Corporation is that the business does not dissolve if a stockholder dies or leaves. The stock goes to the holder’s heirs and the Corporation continues operating.
Disadvantages of the Corporation:

- Complexity and High Cost. It is very difficult to form a Corporation as it requite a lot of costs. Corporations have to pay a lot to the lowers and to the governments in the form of taxes.
- Lack of Freedom of Action. A Corporation can only perform those activities which are stated in it is charter. Stockholders are not free in there actions.
- Government Regulation. More of the federal and state regulations apply to Corporation that to any of the offer forms of business. Corporation must be publicly audited each year.
- Profit Sharing. Profits in the Corporation are shared among the stockholders in proportion to the number of there shares. The profits are usually in the form of dividends paid annually.
- Taxes. This is a main disadvantage of Corporation. Corporations are subject to double taxation. Corporation pay taxes on profits and stockholders pay taxes on the dividends they received from those profits.

Management and Managers.

General management decision making requires the coordination of all aspects of business. In other words GM’s are concerned with strategy formulation and strategy implementation. It’s important to coordinate four main functional areas of business finance, marketing, production and human recourses. The GM must be especially competent in human recourses management. The meaning of general management varies by circumstances. In a small one-person business the chief decision maker has to be an all-round manger. He must be capable of long-term planning as well as daily “fire fighting” since there is no specialized staff to delegate these responsibilities to. In larger firms there are usually several people who share the general management workload. There titles are different: president, MD, vise-president and so on.
Usually responsibilities of a GM include the following:
• Long-term planning for new products, production processes, new markets, financial flexibility
and organizational changes.
• Finding and training competent subordinates. The GM’s goal is to delegate as much responsibilities and authority as possible to subordinates in finance, marketing, production and human recourses in order to be free for the major decision concerning the overall company.
• Coordination. The GM’s goal would be to ensure that the various activities of the company reinforce one another.
• Decision making. The GM will make decisions that subordinates can’t make because they can lack a perspective on the issues that need to be considered. To perform these demanding function adequately the GM must be able to appraise the company and it’s environment thoroughly and objectively.
Financial management ensures the implementation of five basic financial goals: profitability, stability, liquidity, efficiency and growth.
Proper utilization of people is a very important aspect of management. Worker performance is closely related to motivation. By improving the quality of work life through satisfaction of fundamental and personal employee needs, managers attempt to direct the behavior of workers toward the company goals.

Commercial correspondents.

Business correspondence plays a rather important role in business. a business letter can make or break the deal and it also helps to make money. That is why a business person, on my mind, should know different ways of communicating in writing and a number of usefull rules for writing letters and other correspondence.
There are a lot of different ways of communicating such as: letters, faxes, e-mails, memos. E-mails is a way of sending massages between computers. It is a very quickly way. A fax is a facsimile copy of a document which is transmitted by normal telephone lines to another fax machine. The sender of a fax can not be certain of the massage has been received perfectly – sometimes lines get missed or are illeyable. Memos is internal mail within a company or between branches of the same firm. these way may be handwritten notes or longer word – processed letters. Letter is a handwritten notes. Letters have to be typed or word – processed on the company’s headed paper with a smart, clear layout. International mai tends to be slow and in some countries the post is unreliable. Important documents can be sent by courier. There is a structure of letter, such as: sender’s address, than comes receiver’s name with title and address, than solutation, also body of letter, complimentary close, signature bloks.
There are also a very important rules for writing letters it is first of all people must decide what they want to say in leter and to write a plan. At second people must number each of the paragraphs because it will help the reade to understand better and put each separate idea in a separate paragraph. Also your letter should be clear because your reader must be able to see exactly what you mean, also should be complete because businessman must be given all the necessary information. Your letter should be concise because business people is pribably a busy person with no time to waste, also should be courteous because reader must be written in a sincere, polite tone, also letter should be correct because reader should not be distracted by mistakes in grammar, punctuation or spelling.
During planning a letter the written should define the aim of his letter. It is usefull to assembly all relevant information and documents as : reports, figures, etc. Than make rough notes. After this it is better to write a first draff, leaving plenty of spase for changes and revisions. And after the all verifications you can write, type or dictate the final version of your letter.
So, as we see business correspondence play a very important role in business and I’d like to say, that there is nothing business is possible without correspondence, because the people should connect and make deal with each other.

The Sole Proprietorship.

The SP is a type of SB which is limited to one owner and usually a small number of employees. It is the most common type of business it does not require large amount of capital. Examples of SP are repair shops, small grocery stores, specialty shops and gasoline service stations.

Advantages of the SP:

- Ease of organization and termination.
The SP is the simplest type of business organization that can be formed. To create on SP it is not necessary to obtain special permission from the government in the USA but smt the business must be registered with the state or city. The SP can terminate the business at any time. Creditors must be notified of the plan to terminate, since ending a business does not discharge any debts already owed.
- Freedom of action and control.
The SP can operate the business in the way he or she desires. As long, as regulations are obeyed. He can set the policies, hires and fires the employees may even make mistakes in learning to create a successful business. The SP can make decision without consulting any other people, but when he needs help he can turn to special agencies.
- No sharing profits.
All of the profits of the owner belong to him. The profits need not be shared with any other individual.
- Less government regulations.
There owner has the fewest government regulations to follow.
- Smaller tax burden.
The SP`s profits are taxed as personal income which is considered to be a great advantage.

Disadvantages of the SP:

- Difficulty of raising capital.

It is harder of SP borrow money as for others. In the SP there is only one person who is responsible for a loan that is why banks and lending institutions are reluctant to grant a loan. That disadvantages is critical when the business is started or expended.
- Lack of assistance.
The sole owner does not have others to help manage the business employees can not be expected to take the same interest in the business as the proprietor and when left alone, the employees do not always make the best decisions.
- Unlimited liability.
The term of liability refers to risks that a business may have. The SP have unlimited liability which means the following: if the business failed the owner can loss both business property and personal possessions, such as houses and cars and so on. In other words creditors may claim all business and personal articles for pay of debts.
- Limited life.
The life of a SP is ended by the death of mental or physical disability of the owner.

Summaries, notes, reports.

In business people should now how to plan and write report, make summaries and take notes.
There are several types of report. They can be long, formal or informal and they can be spoken or written as letters, memos, special forms and separate documents of several pages.
Reports can serve various purposes. There are reports which inform, reports which provide background information to help people make up their mind about smth. There are reports which make recommendations or indicate a course of action.
It is better before writing the report to collect all relevant material than to consider the purpose of report and to state the aim and emphases of the report briefly. It is a good idea to decide what information makes draft. Draft a working plan on a separate sheet of paper.
Any report has three main parts such as introduction, body of the report and final section. Introduction includes terms of reference or objective and procedure. Body of the report consists of findings. Final section includes conclusions and recommendations. This structure should be evident in every report.
It is better to check grammar spelling, punctuation and style. Finally if possible read the text aloud to yourself or better to someone else.
When businessman making notes not a good idea to write his notes in complete sentences. It is better to keep notes short. They should use abbreviations and use a lot of space because than they can expend their notes better put each separate idea on a new line. It is better to use the layout to help make the meaning clear. Use new paragraphs, headings, capital letter and under linings.
As to making notes using the technique of pattern notes. It is a kind of individual brainstorming session were your try to note down ideas as they occur to your. When businessman to write the pattern notes he should be to take a clean piece of paper and start with a topic the want to take about written large in the middle of the sheet of paper. Then the different aspects of the topic will form he first set of branches.
Pattern notes are particularly useful because they are much quicker to produce than the conventional variety and they allow your mind to focus on the ideas. You can mark these with arrows and question marks and there is no need to get into any complex arguments. So, as discussion jumps from topic to topic you do not have to keep shuffling your notes from page to page to write extra points in.

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